Very little time to post at the moment but a quick note about a good post from Steve Rubel who recently opined that search is broken... and I would have to agree with him.
In a nutshell, search, as we know it, trawls traditional (web 1.0) content very efficiently - as it always has. But now the sheer volume and complexity of user-generated content across - and within - a range of different platforms is challenging the effectiveness of traditional search algorithms.
As Steve says:
"We need a secure, opt-in web version of Google Desktop that can find all the bits we generate online, even if they are behind walls."
The interesting thing here is that while we evangelise the fundamental changes technology is bringing to the way we do business and organise our companies; knowledge and information, we often overlook some of the key tools we use everyday.
Search is pretty much the cornerstone of our daily web-activity... but like everything else is being out-paced by the sheer speed of technological development.
Technorati tags: Search, Steve Rubel, Web 2.0, Technology
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