Interesting story from BBC Technology here.
Essentially, the computer chip manufacturer, Intel, has announced plans to develop a computer designed specifically for Indians.
According the BBC:
“The Intel Community PC is built to withstand the dust and humidity of many parts of India as well as the sometimes erratic power supply that can damage standard computers.
It will runs on open-source software and has several ways of connecting to the Internet, including wireless and the mobile phone standard, GSM.“
I like the sound of it being ‘a community PC’ running on open-source software.
Also, according to head of Hewlett Packard in India, Ajay Gupta, televisions in India cost about £200 ($350) whereas you can get a PC for about £150 ($263).
He says that the big difference in current usage is that people know how to use a TV, but can’t yet work a PC. However, this is changing as peripherals such as keyboards are developed/adapted to an Indian audience.
This all sounds very inspiring indeed. Although currently only 5% of the Indian population is computer literate I can only imagine that with the development of technology geared towards specific use in India, the country’s level of computer use will soar.
Furthermore, is it just me, or does the introduction of this new hard/software sound as if it will be geared towards social networking from the outset? Perhaps, I’m getting carried away by the name…
Anyway, in the excitement I found a list of Indian’s who already blog. I haven’t explored it yet, but it’s here.
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